Below are the scheduled sessions for Virtual AERI 2022. Please note that each session will have its own registration procedure located in the individual event page. Click through to each event to register and receive the video conference (Zoom) information.
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Workshop: Researching and Teaching Asian American Archives, and the Experiences of Asian American Archivists and Archival Patrons
July 12, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm UTC+0
With the notable exception of the South Asian American Digital Archive, Asian American archives, archivists and archival patrons are largely absent in LIS literature and education. There are several reasons for this silence. First, as a part of the racial middle, Asian American issues are generally underdiscussed in the U.S. Second, the “model minority” stereotype often discourages members of the community from truthfully discussing their needs, and also leads many information professionals to think that our communities do not face any systemic discrimination. Third, many LIS scholars we have spoken to do not feel that they have the knowledge or connections needed to undertake work on Asian American archives.
Our presentation introduces an ongoing project at the University of Maryland aimed at increasing LIS research and education with Asian Americans. A team of faculty and students is completing a comprehensive literature review that discuss existing literature and outline key areas for future research, creating an online annotated bibliography that will allow for crowdsourcing to help LIS faculty find appropriate articles for their courses, and producing a podcast series that can help to generate interest about the history of Asian American experiences in libraries and archives.
Our goals for this 30-minute workshop include raising awareness about the absence of Asian Americans (beyond SAADA) in archival research and education, and finding research collaborators for future projects.
The session will start with a progress report on our project, followed by small-group brainstorm sessions during which attendees can discuss how Asian Americans can be incorporated in their courses and research, and conclude with general discussion and networking.
Presenter Bios
Eric Hung, University of Maryland
Mea Lang Lee, University of Maryland
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This session will be recorded and made available on AERI YouTube.